Friday, February 7, 2014

Paper weavings and Flowers!

Meanwhile, at the school the children and I have been creating paper weavings, and oil pastel resist flowers. Mostly the paper weaving have been small sized to make into greeting cards to eventually sell in the school's gift shop (which is still in the fundraising stage, but construction on gift shop to start soon!). One teacher asked if her children could make larger paper weavings to hang in their classroom so we also created some of those.

finished cards
First we sponge painted some bright cardstock scraps with bright colors, then wove solid colored paper into the painted paper, then mounted the weavings onto white cardstock.

a polka dot variation
Sometimes we used strips of painted paper and wove them into the solid colored paper--like the 2 on the right here. I showed the kids how to print dots on the weavings using a pencil eraser and these lovely stamp pads sent to me in a care package by my Bellingham friends Al, Kevin and family ! (thanks so much you all!!!)

printing the dots with a pencil eraser....
a finished larger paper weaving with printed dots
I gave this class each a large piece of colored paper and let them choose what colors to weave into it, and what color to print the dots with....


--the results were paper weavings which were all unique and lovely!

The younger children have been creating flower paintings using first oil pastels to draw the flowers, then painting over the oil pastels with dark blue water based paint. The paint doesn't stick to the oil pastels which creates fun results that always makes the kids oooh! and awww!  when I first show them this technique.

painting the oil pastel flower drawing....

these were all done by kindergartners

 I sat down with the kinders and "taught" them how to draw a flower. First I had them draw a circle in the middle of their paper, then I asked them if they all knew how to draw the letter "U" ?  I then showed them how the flower petals were just the letter U drawn all around the circle and we proceeded from there..great results I think! We only had some pink paper to use for this so on some the pink shows through but I liked the results. I used this flower drawing lesson for all grades K-3, and we had some fun flower paintings.

one student came back after school and asked to do more of the oil pastel resist paintings so I gave her the crayons and she came up with this...


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